After living in Burlington and the Halton Region for the better part of 40 years, and finally becoming empty nesters, my wife and I have decided we needed a change of scenery. We will be building a new home in Southern Georgian Bay over the next year looking for a quieter way of life.

Will this be our retirement home? Yes eventually, but I still have many more years of productive work ahead of me. If the last few months have taught us anything it is that with today's technology, my work can be done from anywhere, so why not take advantage of this while we can.
How will that affect you - my clients? Hopefully not at all! I have recently signed an ongoing agreement with One Plan Business Centre in Burlington to serve as my local office support. You can mail, courier or drop off packages in person directly to the new address. I am still available at the same phone and email address and can arrange, by appointment, meetings in person or virtually through Zoom. I still have a viable client base in the area and will be making regular trips back to Burlington to continue servicing clients, so if you are ever in need of a face to face meeting I am happy to oblige.
I continue to appreciate the fantastic client base I have and the relationships we have built over many years. My business has been built on referrals from my clients and I want you to know that I am still actively taking on new clients, I will just be working in a new and quieter location.
As of August 1, my new contact information will be:
Wise CPA, Professional Corporation
5063 North Service Road
Suite 100
Burlington, ON L7L 5H6
T: 905-331-5920
M: 905-599-5920
If you have any questions or concerns about these changes I would be happy to set up a call or meeting to discuss them with you.
Thank you for your continued and loyal patronage, I look forward to assisting you for many more years to come.
Yours truly,